Why We Are Different

Newsworthy.ai — The News Marketing Platform

As the influence of legacy media begins to wane, it becomes necessary to look for new sources of influence. Newsworthy.ai is a news marketing platform designed to give news announcements a targeted boost, increased visibility, and signals optimization — a marketing discipline we are pioneering that pushes beyond old SEO strategies and link-building programs with AI visibility.

Newsworthy.ai still ticks all of the boxes of a typical newswire, sending press releases to 500+ websites in the Newsworthy.ai distribution network (including Google News), but we are so much more than just a newswire service.

Newsworthy.ai is the first newswire with the following news marketing and artificial intelligence (AI) features:

  • Influencer Marketplace: Newsworthy.ai's built-in influencer marketplace allows companies to hire influencers to amplify their press releases. More information.
  • Brand Ambassador/Advocacy: Leverage internal teams and outside stakeholders to get press releases seen and engaged with by more people. How it works.
  • NewsDB™ and Media Pitches: Companies can auto-notify the media each time their company distributes a press release. Build media pitch lists with NewsDB or directly upload media contacts. Learn more.
  • Blockchain and Trusted-Redirects: Our use of the blockchain as the “source of truth” for a press release makes it possible for companies to host press releases on their website, giving them greater control over the customer journey and website traffic. More information.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): Newsworthy.ai is the first newswire distribution platform to use OpenAI's latest Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) model to:
    • Help companies create compelling and eye-catching press releases in minutes. A huge time saver.
    • Analyze existing press releases and provide recommended improvements, including alternative headlines (optimized for Google and Bing search) and social media messages for promoting the release. Learn more.
    • Create journalist outreach emails for promoting/pitching the release.
    • Generates a custom blog/article based on a press release for use in a company’s content marketing campaigns.
    • Convert a company's press release to a video news short with distribution to social media and major video platforms.

Create your free Newsworthy.ai account today. Would you like to meet with us to better understand our PR distribution and news marketing/AI tools? Book a meeting with our co-founder today.

Scroll down to view more details on what makes Newsworthy.ai unique.

AI - Algorithmic Intelligence

Newsworthy.ai is designed to get smarter. We are training machine learning (ML) models that will help you become better at your job. Our goal is to help you improve your message and your reach with pre-distribution insights derived from machine learning to help improve relevance, readability, and pickup of your news. AI also keeps our costs down by reducing the demand for editorial and support staff so that your PR/Marketing budget goes further.

Built on Blockchain

We register every press release in the blockchain. This allows us to blockchain verify all news that is distributed from our platform. And for the first time in news distribution history, blockchain allows you to host your own press release and benefit from the increased traffic to your site! This is thanks in large part to blockchain verification. Scroll down to learn more about the benefits of self-hosted news.

Influencer Marketplace

As the influence of legacy media begins to wane, it becomes necessary to look for new sources of influence. Newsworthy.ai has a built-in influencer marketplace that allows you to engage directly with influencers who agree to help share and promote your news. The result? More people will see and engage with your news.

Self-Hosted News

Typically when you send a press release out into the world, it resides on the server of your chosen distribution partner. There is an important reason for this. Your distribution partner acts as the source of truth for the press releases they distribute, and they need to represent to the world that the press release you sent out does not get altered. The result is that they get 100% of the traffic. Sure you will get a few "click-throughs" to your website, but your distribution partner gets thousands of page views.

With Newsworthy.ai's self-hosted news distribution, you get more traffic. Why is this important?

  1. More Traffic. When someone pulls up your press release we redirect them to the press release hosted on your site.
  2. More Control. When you self-host your press release you control the on-page user experience and can add your own call-to-action(s).
  3. Improved Transparency. You don't need to trust the newswire's analytics when you have access to your own site analytics. Self-hosting your press release gives you better insights and transparency over your results.
  4. Increased Trust. The blockchain-verified badge builds trust with your site visitors.

All of this is made possible because of our blockchain registration and verification technology.


We scour the internet and organize news stories to help you identify news trends, monitor the coverage and activities of your competition, identify journalists, get their email and contact info, and uncover opportunities. This is all part of your Newsworthy subscription. Watch this video to learn more about NewsDB.

World Class Publishing Platform

Newsworthy.ai provides you with a news publishing platform that helps you organize your activities by company, division, or clients. Assets are stored and organized to help streamline your publishing experience.

We're Fair

It is a lofty goal, but we expect our users to hold us to our commitment to fairness. Unlike traditional service subscription models, Newsworthy's subscription model is a unique Top Off system. You commit to the amount of activity that works for you. Rather than charge you each month for services you do not use, we simply Top Off your account on a monthly basis so that your account is always refueled and waiting for you. Or, you can pay as you go and purchase your press release(s) when you need them.

Better Visibility for Your Press Releases

From the pioneering team behind PRWeb, Newsworthy.ai is the next generation of newswire services. Submit your news today!

Submit Your News ($129)

Attention Influencers

We are currently registering subject area influencers.

Newsworthy.ai provides you with a unique Influencer Marketplace that gives you the opportunity to earn while sharing news with your audience.

Register as an Influencer